October 18, 2024

Vishwakarma University – Centre of Communication for Development

An Initiative of Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, Vishwakarma University, Pune

This striking image illustrates the transformative journey towards inclusivity and equality in professional environments. It highlights the strength of female leadership and the importance of recognizing diverse contributions.

A story of finance associate

In many workplaces, gender discrimination and male dominance continue to be
significant challenges that women face, regardless of their level or nationality. This
issue is particularly evident in the experiences of finance associate Jecika ( Name
Changed) finds herself in an environment where her contributions are undervalued
and her professional potential is often overlooked due to deep-rooted gender

As finance associate, her decision-making responsibilities are not particularly
challenging given that she does not hold a managerial position. However, the
workplace dynamics shift considerably when she interacts with other departments,
especially where a female manager from abroad is involved. This manager, hailing
from a different country, likely brings with her diverse perspectives and innovative
approaches. Yet, instead of being appreciated for her diversity and expertise, she
faces resistance from her male colleagues. She says, “These men, struggling with
the notion of taking directives from a woman, especially one who is not from their
country—often resort to undermining her authority and making her decision-
making process unnecessarily difficult.”

This scenario underscores a broader issue: the systemic gender-based challenges
that women face in the workplace. Along with her, female foreign managers in the
company have witnessed the reflection of patriarchy. She claimed,” Contributions
and achievements of my female manager were consistently undervalued
compared to those of her male counterparts. This inequity reveals a toxic
organizational culture where gender bias is deeply ingrained, leading to a
workplace environment that stifles the professional growth of women and
prioritizes male perspectives.”

When asked about the impact of gender based discrimination and biases on
work culture, she said. “The persistence of such gender discrimination can have a
profoundly demoralizing effect on female employees. It not only limits their career
advancement but also reinforces a culture that diminishes the importance of
diversity and inclusion. Women like the associate and the female manager must

navigate these daily challenges, continually striving to assert their competence and
authority in the face of pervasive gender biases.”

The workplace described here is a microcosm of a larger societal issue. The
resistance faced by women, especially those in leadership positions, is a reflection
of enduring patriarchal attitudes that refuse to recognize the equal capabilities and
contributions of women. She says that addressing these issues requires a concerted
effort from organisations to dismantle the structures that perpetuate gender
discrimination and to foster a culture of true equality and respect for diversity.

In conclusion, the challenges faced by the associate and the female manager
highlight the urgent need for change in workplace cultures that continue to
marginalize women. By acknowledging and actively combating gender bias,
organizations can create environments where all employees, regardless of gender
or nationality, are valued equally for their contributions and can thrive